The Birth of a 'Centennial Spray' in New Zealand!

These photos will (hopefully) record the construction of our Bruce Roberts
'Centennial Spray 38'.
MANY thanks to Blair Boats for making the project happen!

May 2001


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Early May 2001, and planking below the stealer has been finished, and we've started to progress UP the hull towards the keel again. As the height increased we had to fit scaffolding to the boat so that we could continue to work up the hull. As we planked over the turn of the bilge, the curve required narrowed planks, so we began to use 45x20mm stock. When we reach the flatter areas of the bilge we will go back to using the larger planks.

After the first stealer
Second stealer

Mid-may 2001, and we've had to fit a second 'stealer' plank past the turn of the bilge. Again, we planked down from the stealer to the planking that had been fitted previously. There is a lot of shape in the bow of a spray, and bending fore-and-aft planks can be difficult!

Late May 2001, and planking has been completed on the first layer. Only fairing to do before the second, diagonal layer of planking can be started. The stem and keelson have been planed off to the correct widths, and the planking has been trimmed off the transom.

Finished first layer


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